It’s been a long time coming, but we’re in the process of building the infrastructure necessary to launch our Lincolnshire multiplex.
Our progress, so far:
- Circuits into the stations have been ordered and mostly installed.
- We’ve been installing new cabins at Lincoln to house the additional equipment the rest of it, we will probably put it in a business storage. We’ve also been installing a new antenna system at Belmont to handle the extra load and the modifications.
- The transmitters have been installed at Belmont and the others will be installed, partly alongside the work on the new cabins. Grantham is then next on the list.
- We’ve been facing some distribution issues with our wireless links to the sites due to the large number of wind farms in the area. However we’ve been gradually working around theseĀ and also preparing some contingency planning too.
If everything goes to plan, it’ll launch in September this year.